GpsDump for Linux
For help: Execute program without parameters.
Track download: Garmin, Brauniger/Flytec, IQ Basic, MLR, XcTrainer, Flymaster, Digifly Graviter, Syride.
Waypoint download: Garmin, Brauniger/Flytec, Flymaster, Syride.
Waypoint upload: Garmin, Brauniger/Flytec, Flymaster, Syride.
Latest version
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu 21.04 on VMware) (gpsdump.64bit.0.36).
GpsDump for Arm (gpsdump.arm32.0.36).
GpsDump configuration file example (Configuration).
Previous versions:
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu 21.04 on VMware) (gpsdump.64bit.0.35).
- Support newer XCtrainer models.
GpsDump for Arm (gpsdump.arm32.0.35).
- Support newer XCtrainer models.
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu 21.04 on VMware) (gpsdump.64bit.0.33).
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (gpsdump.64bit.0.32)
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (gpsdump.64bit.0.31)
- Accept missing time data in Ozi waypoint files.
- Flymaster: Bugfix.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.30)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.30)
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (gpsdump.64bit.0.30)
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.29)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.29)
- Handle new date format in igc file from Flytec family.
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (gpsdump.64bit.0.28)
- Flymaster 2.xx: Track log decode bugfix.
- Flymaster 2.xx: Support commmand line parameter --debug.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.27)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.27)
- Flymaster 2.xx: Track log decode bugfix.
- Flymaster 2.xx: Support commmand line parameter --debug.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.25)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.25).
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (gpsdump.64bit.0.25).
- Flymaster: Format update for track download.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.24)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.24).
GpsDump for 64-bit Linux (gpsdump.64bit.0.24).
- Flymaster: Format update for track download.
- Syride: Handle new waypoint format.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.23)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.23).
- Fixed bug in making IGC files from Flymaster.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.22)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.22).
- Support Flymaster firmware 2.xx.
- IqBasic track numbering starts at 1.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.21)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.21).
- Support Leonardo.
- Support Digifly Air.
- Ascent: Improved download of track list.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.20)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.20).
- Bulk download for Brauniger/Flytec, Flymaster and Syride.
- Support SYS'Evolution.
- Support Flymaster (new models).
- New parameter to prevent overwriting existing files: --skip.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.19)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.19).
- New command line parameter -p. Add a pilot name to the track log file name. If no name is given try to use name from GPS.
GpsDump for Linux (gpsdump.0.18)
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.18).
- Fixed bug in downloading waypoints from Brauniger/Flytec family.
Download version gpsdump.0.17
- Fixed bug in decoding of logging data from XCsoar.
- Fixed bug in Flymaster track list handling.
- Configuration file for igc file header strings, trimming of track logs and task parameters.
- Support for real-time logging (NMEA sentences). Use same parameters as before,
but select GPS type "-gnm". Logging is halted when GpsDump exits (signal SIGINT). File(s) are then saved.
- Support for real-time logging in task mode. Include "-t<waypoint file>" in the command line. The waypoints are used as
input to the C record lines of the igc file. When SIGINT is received, logging is paused and file(s) are saved. GpsDump
then reverts to searching for a new takeoff. GpsDump exits when SIGTERM is received.
GpsDump for Kobo (gpsdump.kobo.0.17).
GpsDump configuration file example (Configuration).
Download version 0.15
- Support for Syride (tracklog).
Download version 0.12
- Support for IQ Basic.
- Support for Digifly Graviter.
Download version 0.11
- Text string after parameter -ca is appended to "/dev/ttyACM".
- Source file name for -x points directly at the .igc file.
Download version 0.10
- Text string after parameter -cu is appended to "/dev/ttyUSB".
- Version in .kml file set to 4.72.
Version 0.09
- New parameter -f to select a specific flight (Brauniger/Flytec/Flymaster).
- New parameter --scroll. Progress lines include a crlf.
- Upload waypoints to Garmin.
Version 0.08
- Support for Flymaster.
- Support for new GPS models using the MLR protocol.
- Waypoint type "airfield" supported in $FormatGEO.
Version 0.07
- Pressure height included in the signature in .kml files.
- If gap time set to zero don't check for multiple flights.
- Upload waypoints from file to Garmin and Brauniger/Flytec. File types Ozi and GpsDump ($FormatGEO).
Version 0.05
- Pressure height supported.
- Garmin bugfixes.
Version 0.04
- New command for converting .igc to .kml files.
- Added out-and-return, triangle and FAI triangle in statistics (not official though).
Version 0.0.3
- Number of tracks in the track list downloaded from Brauniger/Flytec increased to 100.
Version 0.0.2
- Added support for Competino+ and Flytec 6020.
- Fixed memory allocation error for Garmin.
Version 0.0.1