Command line parameters
General parameters
/com="Port number"
Selects a serial port (1 and up) . Also used for USB-to-serial converters.
May be used in combination with /gps=garmin to select a Garmin GPS with a true USB interface.
Select how long (in seconds) GpsDump shall attempt to connect the GPS. Not for Graviter, Log_It and MTK. Max. value 100.
May be used with commands /kml_log, /ozi_log, /igc_log and /rd_wpt in order to skip checking if the file already exists.
/win="Window option"
Select how GpsDump shall be shown (0=Hide, 1=Minimized, 2=Show).
/notify="Class name of receiving program"
Select a program to receive a WM_COPYDATA messages. The "dwData" item in the COPYDATASTRUCT structure contains a session number, the "lpData" item contains a pointer
to a null terminated notify message, while the "cbData" item contains the length of the string excluding the terminator. The following notification messages are sent:
"Transfer started"
"Transfer completed"
"Progress N1/N2"
"Byte count N"
"File "filename" written" (Competition mode only)
"File "filename" already processed" (Competition mode only)
/session="Session number"
May be used with the /notify command. If a session number is not defined, GpsDump will assign one based on the current time.
May be used with the /notify command. Notify the external program about track log positions. N is the timestamp interval in seconds.
May be used with commands reading track logs. Some GPS models may output a log containing several tracks. GpsDump will normally search the log for flags
indicating a new track or time gaps. This command will suppress this search and select the whole log.
May be used to position the windows for selecting a track from a track list, setting the pilot ID and for error messages.
(X,Y) is the upper left position of the window.
May be used in competition mode to skip speed analysis.
May be used to skip loop flight optimisation before saving .kml log files.
May be used with Garmin models to turn off its power after the transfer.
May be used with all commands to make GpsDump exit after doing the job.
File names must be enclosed in " if they contain spaces.
GPS models:
/gps=garmin | Garmin |
/gps=iqcompeo | Compeo/Compeo+/Galileo/Competino/Flytec 5020,5030,6030 |
/gps=logit | Log_It, should also work with MuzzyLogger and GPS Tracklogger |
/gps=topnav | Top Navigator |
/gps=mlr | MLR / Digifly Leonardo (use mlrc for rapid downloading of waypoints) |
/gps=graviter | Digifly Graviter |
/gps=magellan | Magellan |
/gps=xctrainer | XC Trainer |
/gps=xct_mxp | XC Trainer using the MXP2004 (PWC2002) protocol |
/gps=flymaster | Flymaster |
/gps=dsx | DSX |
/gps=iqbasic | IQ-Basic / Flytec 6015 |
/gps=mtk | MTK/Pentagram |
/gps=leonardo | Leonardo (new protocol) |
/gps=ascent | Ascent |
/gps=digiflyair | Digifly Air |
/gps=syride | Syride SYS'Nav |
/kml_log="File name"
/ozi_log="File name"
/mps_log="File name"
Download a track log from the GPS and store it in a file using the selected format. The string
"$date" in the name is replaced with the date of the first track log position ("YYMMDD").
Supported GPS models:
/igc_log="File name or folder name"
Download a track log from the GPS and store it in a file using the
IGC format. The string "$date" in the name is replaced with the date
of the first track log position ("YYMMDD").
For /gps=iqcompeo:
The raw IGC formatted output from the GPS is stored. If the file
name ends with a backslash ("\"), a directory name is assumed.
The file name will be a long name as defined in the IGC specification
(YYYY-MM-DD-xxx-serial #-flight #.igc).
Other GPS types:
The track log from the GPS is converted to the IGC format. If the file
name ends with a backslash ("\"), a directory name is assumed. The
file name will be a long name as defined in the IGC specification
(YYYY-MM-DD-xgd-000-flight #.igc).
Supported GPS models:
/rd_wpt="File name with extension"
Read the waypoints from the GPS and save them in a file with the
OziExplorer format.
Supported GPS models:
/rd_geo_wpt="File name with extension"
Read the waypoints from the GPS and save them in a file with
geographical format.
Supported GPS models:
/wr_wpt="File name with extension"
Read the waypoints from the file and upload them to the GPS. The
waypoint name is checked, and if omitted the waypoint ID is used
as the waypoint name.
/wr_wpt2="File name with extension"
Read the waypoints from the file and upload them to the GPS. The
waypoint ID is inserted before the waypoint name.
If this option is used, a waypoint with the name COMPID is added to the
waypoint list. The number is converted to a latitude/longitude position.
If this option is used, a waypoint with the name CIVLID is added to the
waypoint list. The number is converted to a latitude/longitude position.
The following file formats are supported:
Special GpsDump format using geographical notation (degrees....)
Special GpsDump format using UTM notation
Supported GPS models:
/wr_ctr="File name"
Read CTR(s) from the file and upload them to the GPS.
Supported GPS models:
/logfile="File name with extension"
Read a track log. The format is decoded from the file extension:
.kml | Flightlog |
.plt | OziExplorer |
.dat | Old Flightlog |
.tnc | TopNav |
.mps | MapSource |
.log | Magellan |
.igc | IGC |
.gpx | GPX |
.csv | Comma separated list |
Download a track log from the selected GPS in competition mode. The file extension indicate the resulting
file format. The file name comprises a pilot name, the current time, the CIVL ID and the pilot number, e.g.
"Stein Sorensen.20080122-195024.2725.25".
/comp_fs="File name with extension"
If this option is used GpsDump will read the indicated flight score file and extract the pilot list. GpsDump
will download waypoints from the GPS (if possible) and search for IDs called "CIVLID" and/or "COMPID". The
number is encoded in the waypoint position. A dialog is opened where the user can select the pilot name and IDs.
The flight score file can have the .kml format exported from RACE. GpsDump will try both formats.
If this option is not used, the pilot name and ID(s) must be input via the commands
/pilot="Pilot name"
If set, a waypoint having the format "-NNN" is searched for. NNN is then the pilot number.
Otherwise, the waypoints COMPID and/or CIVLID are searched for.
If this option is used, track log points with a timestamp before the indicated time (UTC) are ignored.
If this option is used, track log points with a timestamp after the indicated time (UTC) are ignored.
/comp_dir="Directory name without the ending \"
If this option is used the directory where the track log file is stored is (re)set.
Supported GPS models:
/igc2kml="File name without extension"
Convert a track log file in the IGC format to the new .kml format.
Input parameter is the source file name without the extension, as this
is assumed to be .igc. The resulting track log is stored in a file with
the extension .kml. After the conversion GpsDump always exits.
/dat2kml="File name without extension"
Convert a track log file in the old .dat format to the new .kml format.
Input parameter is the source file name without the extension, as this
is assumed to be .dat. The resulting track log is stored in a file with
the extension .kml. After the conversion GpsDump always exits.
/gpx2igc="File name (extension optional)"
Convert a track log file in the GPX format to the IGC format.
The resulting track log is stored in a file with the extension .igc.
Each track in the source file is saved as an individual IGC file.
After the conversion GpsDump always exits.
/chkkml="File name"
Check the signature of the selected .kml log.
If valid GpsDump exits with code 1, otherwise 0.
/username="Pilot name"
/compid="comp_id" (optional)
Upload pilot name and comp. ID to the GPS.
Supported GPS models:
Read the flight list from the selected GPS and send it to an external program. The list starts with the line
"Flightlist:". Next, each flight entry contains the date, time and length (format "YY.MM.DD,HH:MM:SS,H:MM:SS").
All lines are terminated by a new line character.
Supported GPS models:
Download the selected track(s). The index is zero based. If more than one track is selected they are merged into one.